Thursday, January 10, 2013

Treasure Planet...more than meets the eye.

  I have a sensible heart, and most often I'll end up tearing up in any general Disney movies,then again ,Who would't get teary with those plots and sad momments.It would make the manliest guy cry a river out of his eyes.
 An example of this would be Treasure planet.One of those few movies that focuses at what one person that had struggles that were not one's fault can still achieve the impossible.Is kinda sad because it speak harsh realities,such as an abendoment.I could never ever feel what a child that had been abandoned feel liked.It might be one of those feelings no one desires to feel.It, in my eyes, be even worse than having a parent die or one very close love one such as a lover or a sibling.
     Is a person that you love,that you look up to,that they made you believe they were gonna stay with you forever and never ever walk away from you,that every day when you walk back from school , you excpect them to be there, to hug you, to listen to you,to love you.They are the person that suppose to raise you, but instead they walk away from you, at first you feel sad ,abandoned, worthless.Then little by little anger costumes your innocent soul.That child that had been abandoned, when asked for the missing parents one can see the anger,the rage,that that persons holds just by starring into their eyes.Accepting the fact that they have been gone and they will never return, for better or for worse, and knowing they would never forgive that person for what they done.Comming from someone that had not felt such a terrible feeling, whenever I encounter someone with such tragedy, I felt desperate and helpless next to them,sorrowing over,imagen just how much pain they had gone threw, how much they had to suffer, every birthday knowing that that certain someone will not be present.When they have recitals at school that only one of them will be there,the fight they had to witness,the violence,sometimes..not witnessing anything at all, because they just bail at them form the very start.I kinda have more respect for those ones with this situations, not because I feel sorry for them, but because they had to go threw more than the average people, I feel that they are more stronger than certain individuals.I would't even start to imagen how hard could've be for them to do every ritual day, to pretend that everything is ok,when they know perfectly well,that it isn't.Thats why when I just try to imagen just to the nearest I can,how difficult it must be,I just start crying.Like straight out crying,I can't bare imagen how hard it must be knowing that a parent walks out on someone,knowing that that parent does't care for you, and that you try not to care for them, but you know that even if you try your hardest,you can hate them,despite them,want them death, and at the end,even without forgiving them,you still care.It's been chain down to something one would bite there leg out to not be with.
      My own mom's mom walked out on her,one day she came home and she was no longer there,leaving her and her two younger sibilings there.Hungry,alone,and not knowing where to go.Of course my grandpa picked them up eventually,Whenever I asked her about it, she tells me is a hard thign to explain.That tho my grandma now came back to her and that my mom loves my grandma like no one else, she will always hold that grudge towards her.She told me that in her case,my grandma did what she had to do,but that no matter what,a daughter's place is with her mom as well as a son's place is with his dad and vise versa.My mom tells me that when she was little she would't understand why her mom left, maybe she behave bad, maybe she had bad grades,and blame her self,but that as she got older, tho it was difficult to admit,it was the right choice,but then again,her case was different,then again, her mom could have done other choices instead of leaving her behind.
     In Treasure Planet, they even go a step further,they make Jim,with all those feelings and anger and confusion within the world, get attached to the android,get to see him as someone who want his well being,someone to look up to,someone that would expect him to do better,someone that believed in him,someone that he knew wasn't like his father ,but then as the movie continue his heart just can't take the reality that the android was using him all along,making realize that he might just be an abandoned child like he was all along.
Specially in that scene where Silver is living in the boat,and he stares at him and relives the momment  when his father lives never to return again

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