Monday, January 7, 2013

Sheesh!Cab, Bob?

     Tina is desperate to get her first kiss at her 13th birthday party. But after Louise breaks the deep fryer, Bob takes a second job as a late-night cab driver to pay for Tina's party. Things keep getting worse for Bob when the parents of Tina's crush refuse to let their son attend the party, and Bob has to do everything in his power to save his daughter's big day.  
     This  episodes is one of those exclusive  few episodes where you can see the relationship that both Bob and Tina have.All the things he has to go through to actually get the money.It makes you realize of how much  a  dad can a actually love  his daughter.I mean the dude work in a taxi cab driving  cross-dresser prostitutes around  town  in the middle of the night,that right there is love.Love for one's daughter.Its funny and cute  at the same time.Adding to that, I also like how the only real present that Tina wanted was a kiss from her crush.The way that she described him was as if he was the hottest guy ever...and in the end the guy turned out to be exactly like her, but in a boy version.

   Turns out that Jimmy Jr, "'' over here, is the son of Jimmy, the owner of the Italian restaurant,the competition of Bob's burgers,who would not allow his son to go until Bob shaves his mustache,which Bob consider to be unfair because is his daughter birthday and  the only thing that she wanted was for this boy to  attend and to have her first kiss under the disco ball.The most precious first kiss that every 13 year old dream of.So at the end, Bob did a little something for her and at the end one can see Tina appreciating all that his dad did for her,to bring her such a great party.I mean, one can't just stop the romance going there.Is like separating romeo and juliet,rose and jack, prince eric and ariel!!! Look at them, just like any teen couple falling in a crush.

  I mean look at them, they are meant for each other.

 At the end,the dad did let his son go,and the most cutest,disgusting,and just adorable scene  happen.Which as shamefull as it is, I actually relate to.I relate to how I often overlook at my parents effort and get mad at the smallest things.such as the fact that the guy that I like a lot , which I made the party specifically for.I mean at my age, the guy of your dreams is pretty special .Everyones wants some  of romance for there birthday party.Don't they?
 I'm happy to say, that by the end of the episode,everything went into place and Tina got her gorgeous kiss.Just like everyone wants there first kiss to be.Explosions, hearts,and just *sight* romantic :)

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