Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Bloody donation

Me and Mikey's sister, went on this trip to donate blood.It seem kinda awkward how Mikey and his family kept on saying yes no to the trip for letting Mikey go.First His sister message me saying that he got grounded for using a videogame that wasn't for him..or something like that.I thought that was a silly thing to  getting grounded for ,but then again I wasn't in the situation so I didn't really thougth much for it.Then  we picked up his sister and he comes out to say hi,and then  his grandma got sick and his dad had to drive her to the hospital (right now she's better,which is good :) ) and he had to stay to take care of his younger sister,he told me that they were going to allowed to donate blood with me, the night before that.When we were heading towards the office to donate blood,his dad called his older sister, which was riding in the front sit ,meanwhile I was kinda getting neglected in the back, asking if he could apologize for him to  because he was going to let Mikey go as soon as he got home, and when I heard that I kinda felt sad,really sad, I mean his sister is cool and all, but we get along because me and his younger brother are dating, she i into stuff  that Im not into,and Im into stuff she is not into.I kinda felt that I was kinda like the taxi for her to accomplish stuff,which kinda suck,because it ment me been bored and feeling lonely :/ at the end I could't even donate blood because the women who was interviewing me took to long because the city of Morelia wasn't on the programming of Mexico in the hard drive of the Red Cross. :/ I kinda wasted my entire day ,I could;t save any lives, and I could't even hang out with him. :P I feel like I have to scratch something to get my frustration out.


I actually was absent for P.E on Friday, which was the day to choose partners for the dance groups, we were divided in  groups of eight, the group in where I was on was a group of five, So I guess there wasn't that group of three that had 3 people, so they added them self to  an already complete group of 8.I guesss they totally forgot about me, since when I join their group, they acted as if I was a burden rather than happy that I was with them.You know what, who needs them, I can be myself, I always am by myself.This girls  focus to much on the drama explosions rather than enjoy.And then the group   went all balistic and decided to cut  the group,so pretty much kicking people out who aren't good enough  and send them to  other groups,which kinda suck for those been kick out cause the other groups will know they are bad dancers and will not treat them alright, Ill be all courageous  and just leave the group.I mean I rather  quit the team,rather than they quitting on me.What kind of lesson are we even learing in this dance class anyways, the ''Oh let me degrade your self esteem'' or  the '' you aren't good enough so we are letting you go''.Kinda shows what kind of people they are.
And it was so emberrasing cause I was jsut there enjoy myself, knowing and fully aware that I had to go to another team sooner cause I was the last to join and then they went towards me and explain how ''I wasn't sign in so I must not be fully on the team'' I AM SIGN IN ON THE TEAM, fully and completly,I will not let you guys pin me out and blame for whats happening, Its not my fault your friends suck this bad
.i just wanna go to sleep and hope to make them realize its just a group and not to inflate the situation more.Im a little chubby ball of cuteness and clumsiness anyways :''3.

The cute things

So  Mikey  just called me letting me know that his parents allowed him to go to prom  with me, Im just so happy, and ecited, and just glad he gets to go with me, and that he is going to be my date :)
Im glad his here :) Gha! :) My dress could be a garbage bag and ill still be happy with him  going .